Get a Factorio Server


Please refer to this article to install docker on your computer.

Docker Desktop - Docker

Create a new folder on the desktop or elsewhere to store save data.

Publish your Factorio server to the Internet

Start OwnServer Client, select factorio and click Next.

Click Select Folder and open the folder you just created. Next, click Start to start the Factorio server.

Wait a moment, make sure that the status of Start Game Server is Running and click Next.

Clicking Start will expose the Factorio server running on your computer to the Internet!

Verify that the status of Start OwnServer is Running and select Next.

You can see the public address of your Minecraft server. Share this with your friends!

Join the Factorio server

Start Factorio and select Multiplayer -> Connect to address.

Paste the server address.
Note that the server address changes each time the OwnServer client is started.